How To Play Golf

My Story: How I went from a 120 stroke golfer to an under 90 golfer in 7 months.

How to golfWelcome to my website. I’m a 36 year-old avid golfer who recently decided to get serious about his golf game, & who wanted to share with others the resources and advice I used to turn my golf game around.

As a 120+ golfer 7 months ago, I finally decided that I wanted to transform my “a-good-place-to-go-have-a-beer” relationship with golf to one where I could actually keep up with and compete against my friends and older brother.

After a whole lot of practice, tons of Google searches looking for the best advice, and a little over 7 months of my dedicated time, I’m now able to consistently hit below 90.

The problem with practice alone is that if your not practicing the right things, then you’re not really going to make any progress advancing your game. I never really knew what I was doing wrong (or right) when I would practice at the driving range in the past – I didn’t know what to focus on, and without having taken golf lessons, I remained a 120+ golfer for somewhere between 3 & 4 years of my life.

Golf tips

It was a true test of patience.

So eventually like everybody else I just got sick of being a lousy golfer, and decided it was time to start taking the steps and the time to improve my game. But I still didn’t want to hire a personal instructor. However, I knew that whatever fundamentals from my game I had adapted were all probably wrong – so, it was time to learn the basics all over again.

I had never realized before, but with faulty basics I never had a strong foundation to build my game on. So I never improved that much, and after reading some beginner advice, guidelines, forums, and everything out there, I came across 2 really good guides that helped me over a few months step-up my game to the intermediate level right around 100.

And the rest his history. Once I learned everything I could from those 2 beginner guides, with lots of practice, my swing started coming more natural to me and I started enjoying playing the game a whole lot more. So I kept challenging myself to step-it-up, reading more advice, practicing new things, and continually improving. As of right now I’m hitting right at 90, typically 1 or 2 below, and I’m still working to keep improving. I’m currently following the “How To Break 80” tips and will update as I continue to improve my game. I hope to play a round of par golf one day in the future!

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